Publish your eBook in Days

by | Apr 16, 2022

The legendary Philadelphian Benjamin Franklin once explained how one can make a lasting impression in this world: “Either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing [about].”

We are only alive (80 years) for the blink of an instant (0.027%) compared to 300,000 years of modern human history.

Everyone should write down and publish their story ASAP.  Whether you’re famous and you’ve lived a life in public view or not.  Whether you have something important to say or not.  Whether you love someone or something and just want to document them or it.  Whether you have something to give back.  

We can help you to become a published author this week.  Fill in your name and email address and maybe the 1st chapter of your book and we’ll get back to you.  You own 100% of what we do for you and we will not share any of your information with anyone without your permission. 

10 + 14 =

In case you want us to help you ghostwrite your books, here are a few other ways to get us your stories fast.

Thanks for making Commons Sense Rediscovered accessible.

Dale M. Herder, Ph.D.

Nice job publishing my last two books in less than a week for each!

Donald A. Collins, Sr.

Great bang for the buck, with 100+ high quality images, and fast!

Irene Neal

This Blurb article below has the best list for book ideas I found to which I would add two, 1) write a series of STARs Situation, Task, Action, Results from a job you had (don’t disclose any confidential information) , or 2) list the places you lived in your life and what you remember about them and the people you knew.


“50 Book Ideas for Writing a Book You Can Start Today

Maybe you haven’t brought your book ideas to life yet because you’re afraid it means hiding away, churning out page after page of a novel that may never be finished. But writing a book can mean anything you want it to—it’s not just for novels. There’s the old saying that we should write what we know, and you may know more than you think.

Unless you’re a born novelist, try your hand at non-fiction first. Not only do you get to start from a place of passion and familiarity, but you also have the market on your side. It’s easier to write, sell, and promote. Non-fiction has a bigger market for both traditionally published books and self-published books. More publishers publish non-fiction than fiction, more book buyers purchase non-fiction books, and it’s easier to build a career out of it by writing articles, giving seminars, and selling related products. Non-fiction writers have it a bit easier than novelists.

To get you started, here’s a list of 50 book ideas, including possible titles, prompts, genres, and topics where you might find your next book.

Ask yourself questions

Your everyday life is a goldmine of material for your creative work. Ask yourself these questions to figure out your next book idea.

  1. What challenges are you facing? 
    Telling your story about where you struggle can help other people feel less alone. Think about goals and obstacles in your personal, professional, or creative life and how you approached them.
  1. What are you learning right now? 
    Share whatever you’re working on and however you’re learning it—whether it’s about relationships, health practices, work efficiencies, or athletic competition, other people might benefit.
  1. What’s happening in your day-to-day life?
    Are you going through a big transition? Is there a weekly routine or yearly celebration that means something to you? Don’t overlook these things. Sometimes what has the most universal meaning is actually the most particular and personal.


Look around you

Be an explorer of your world and the people in it. Ask questions. Make observations. Travel down these paths to find out where your best book ideas are hiding:

  1. Compile your family history
    Who in your family has a story that needs to be told? How did your family (and you!) come to be how you are? A family history book is the perfect way to tell your story.
  1. Explore your hometown history
    What are the stories of how your town came to be? Highlight the famous people that put your town on the map, or include fun facts about local landmarks and insider tips for places you love.
  1. Share your personal history
    What were the key factors in your personal Origin Story? Reflect on the events and relationships that made you who you are today.
  1. Draw attention to a meaningful cause
    Have you done any volunteer work that deepened your understanding or perspective? Do you have stories of how your organization changed lives and made a difference? Get the word out!
  1. Talk about special events
    Maybe you’ve been to over 30 Pearl Jam concerts, and you have the set list and a memory for each one of them. Maybe you hosted a speakers’ series at your school. Maybe you attended a rally and the conversations inspired you.
  1. Share your travel stories
    Put together a travel book filled with your writing and discoveries made while visiting distant lands, then combine them with your photographs.


Become your own storyteller

  1. Try an experiment
    Do something for 30, 60, 90 days and document your experience.
  1. Write the story behind your favorite things
    What are your favorite books, albums, songs, films, or paintings? Use each of these as story starter ideas to craft a creative and relatable memoir.
  1. Highlight your biggest success
    How did you set this goal? What led up to your achievements, and who helped you along the way?
  1. Reveal your biggest failure
    What did you learn? How can you help other people deal with fear, failure, or recovery and be resilient?
  1. Do something epic, then write about it
    Raising $5,000 for cancer research, tackling a big life obstacle, summiting a peak, visiting all 50 states—if you have an eye on writing a book, you’ll do these things differently and keep careful records. Wanting a story to tell might also inspire some pretty incredible adventures.


Pick a non-fiction genre to get started

  1. Write a big idea book
    These kinds of stories focus on a new concept, tool, or learning that will change how people love, work, and live. Teach other people one big thing you know.
  1. Make a list book
    The lists you keep for yourself—like a gratitude list or a list of local restaurants—can inspire and inform someone else. Take one of your lists and make it into a creative book!
  1. Publish an educational photo book
    Pair your most impressive photographs with interesting captions or stories of the local geography, history, flora, and fauna.
  1. Compile a series of letters
    If you have been part of an enlightening correspondence (and the other party involved is willing to share their story too), document your dialogue in a book.
  1. Create an interview book
    Compile interviews with inspiring individuals in your life, community, or professional field. Organize the book around a particular theme, or turn the conversations into a series of essays that change the way people think.


Consider content you have already written

You might already have created a body of work that can fill the pages of a book, it just needs to be compiled, organized, and formatted. The process of pulling these ideas together might even inspire another project of new material.

  1. Print a series of blog posts
    If you’ve already taken the time to compose daily or weekly articles, you’re well on your way! Look for a common thread or topic running throughout, organize your posts into chapters or sections, and take your stories to the next level—in print.
  1. Make a book of postcards
    The art of snail mail doesn’t have to be lost forever. Make a fun, quirky, or insightful coffee table book of postcards you’ve received or ones you’ve collected.
  1. Publish love letters
    Making love letters public is not for everyone—but if you and your beloved agree to the project, you just might find yourself with a one-of-a-kind collaboration featuring poems, stories, and reflections. You can also get creative and write a series of fictional love letters to people, places, objects, or events you adore.
  1. Turn your journal entries into a book
    The unique journal pages of artists, writers, photographers, travelers, and introspective individuals are a fascinating genre all their own. Sharing your personal reflections can inspire readers of all kinds.
  1. Publish your own cookbook
    Do your friends and families love gathering around your table to taste your culinary creations? Are you a foodie inspired by certain ingredients, dietary trends, family traditions, local or international cuisine? Share your favorite recipes.


Look to the non-fiction bestseller categories from Amazon

Here are some possible book writing ideas that fall within categories that represent Amazon’s bestselling non-fiction. Try these on for size:


  1. Try making a new city home
    Most people can identify with the challenges of relocating to a new place—whether it’s a different city, state, or country. Take your readers through the ups and downs of that transition.
  1. Share your 25 best/worst date stories
    Do you have a history of finding love in all the right (or wrong) places? Do tell.
  1. Write a biography of a family member
    Chances are, there’s at least one person in your family with a unique, inspiring, or powerful life story to share. Maybe you have a distant ancestor or living relative who defied all odds to make an astounding journey, overcome hardships, find personal success, or pave the way for others.



  1. Describe the experience of intuitive eating
    Have you made personal strides in your approach to healthy eating and food? Share your story of empowerment from start to finish.
  1. Explore new rules for dating
    Take a lighthearted, compassionate, or serious approach to a popular topic. Depending on your area of expertise, you might include research, personal anecdotes, observations, or interviews.




  1. Design an inspirational gift book
    Gather all your favorite quotes and pair them with photography, illustrations, or designs to create a motivational book.
  1. Publish a religious study or devotional workbook
    Share the divine wisdom and traditions that you know best, including classic teachings and lessons for personal growth.
  1. Write a religious memoir
    Create a memoirbased on personal events, learning, or transformations that led you to your current religious beliefs.



  1. Inspire someone with 10 life lessons in food
    Maybe you lost 50 pounds, or you discovered how the food on your plate affects your mood, sleep, or overall health. Don’t keep your success a secret!
  1. Summarize your experience of 30 days on a specific diet
    Ketogenic. Intermittent fasting. Low sugar. Mediterranean. Gluten free. If you tried it, it’s time to tell all.
  1. Compile a research summary of what to eat and why
    Use your scientist-meets-foodie skills to create a guidebook with nutritional tips, health facts, and dietary inspiration.



  1. Explore public policy, ideologies, or politics
    The debate lover in you already has plenty to say about these big topics, so you bring your persuasive book to life with data and insights.
  1. Forecast political and cultural trends
    This kind of book takes a knack for research—so use your authority as a demonstrated expert or passionate professional to tell it like it is (or like it soon will be).



  1. Collect recipes from the family restaurant
    Cultivate a love of cooking and share your special kitchen traditions, recipes, and food photography with an audience who’s craving more. (Just make sure to get the a-ok from the original chef!)
  1. Print a guide to local wineries with photos and reviews
    Malbec or Shiraz? Moscato or Chenin Blanc? You don’t have to be a sommelier to share your love and knowledge of great wines.
  1. Explain 10 things you learned about cooking
    What do you know about baking the perfect cake? Got tips and tricks for southern barbecue? Write what you know.



  1. Tell your story of getting out of debt
    Did you learn financial lessons the hard way? People of all ages are eager to know how you did it.
  1. Write about securing investments for a project
    You organized a first-of-its-kind fundraiser or wrote a grant that save the day. Offer your best money advice to project leaders everywhere.
  1. Offer tips on how to earn a living from creative work
    Think of it as your gift to the next generation of artists, writers, filmmakers, and photographers.
  1. Share advice on running a large business
    Money makes the world go round. What’s your secret to managing a successful company?
  1. Show what you learned from the failure of a startup
    Big dreams, harsh reality. If you had to do it all over again, what would you want to know?



  1. Publish a classroom curriculum you designed
    Did you create lesson units that your students absolutely loved? What kind of project materials were successful, and how could other people use them? Make a workbook, eBook, or even a magazine that details your process.



  1. Develop a guide to meaningful photography
    These days everyone fancies themselves a photographer, but there’s more than a filter to making great images. Tell them what to aim for.
  1. Make an instructional knitting or sewing guide
    If you can stitch like a pro, share your project tips and expertise in a practical craft book.
  1. Create an interior design guidebook
    Put your creative instincts in print by sharing your style advice and favorite trends, from Boho chic to French country to modern minimalist.
  1. Encourage people to learn a new hobby
    Beginner projects in woodworking. One room, twelve ways. Introduction to jewelry making. Your creative skills and talents are invaluable to others who are just starting out, so lead the way!”


Just Pick One Book Idea and Start Writing

Print on demand makes it easier than ever to create one copy or a thousand. Whatever your next project idea, think of it as just that: your next project, not your only one. If the first book you create isn’t the book you know you have it in you to write or make, that’s ok! This is just your first book. Once you do one, you’ll have what it takes to do the next one, and the next one after that. The key is to start the journey toward the book you want to write or make, and know that the books that come before it can take many different shapes.”